Trotsky: On the Theses "Unity and the Youth"
of Leon Trotsky, Vol 7, 1934-1935, New York 1971, p. 89-94]
aim of this text is to correct the slogan of organic unity, which is
not our slogan. The formula of organic unity — without a program,
without concretization — is hollow. And as physical nature abhors a
vacuum, this formula fills itself with an increasingly ambiguous and
even reactionary content All the leaders of the Socialist Party,
beginning with Just and Marceau Pivert and ending with Frossard,
declare themselves partisans of organic unity. The most fervent
protagonist of this slogan is Lebas," whose antirevolutionary
tendencies are well enough known. The Communist Party leaders are
manipulating the same slogan with increasing willingness. Is it our
task to help them amuse the workers by an enticing and hollow
exchange of open letters of the two leaderships on the program of
action is the promising beginning of a discussion on the aims and the
methods of the workers' party. It is here that we should intervene
vigorously. Unity and split are two methods subordinated to program
and political tasks. Since the discussion has happily begun, we
should tactfully destroy the illusory hopes in organic unity as a
panacea. Our thesis is that the unity of the working class can be
realized only on a revolutionary basis. This basis is our own
fusion takes place tomorrow between the two parties, we place
ourselves on the basis of the united party in order to continue our
work. In this case the fusion may have a progressive significance.
But if we continue to sow the illusion that organic unity is of value
as such — and it is thus that the masses understand this slogan and
not as a more ample and more convenient audience for the Leninist
agitators — we shall be doing nothing but making it easier for the
two conjoined bureaucracies to present us, Bolshevik-Leninists, to
the masses as the great obstacle on the road of organic unity. In
these conditions, unity might well take place on our backs and become
a reactionary factor. We must never play with slogans that are not
revolutionary by their own content but that can play a quite
different role according to the political conjuncture, the
relationship of forces, etc. … We are not afraid of organic unity.
We state openly that the fusion may
play a progressive role. But our own role is to point out to the
masses the conditions under which this role would be genuinely
progressive. In sum, we do not set ourselves against the current
toward organic unity, which the two bureaucracies have already
cornered. But while supporting ourselves on this current, which is
honest among the masses, we introduce into it the critical note, the
criterion of demarcation, programmatic definitions, etc.
would be more dangerous," say the theses of Comrades
Craipeau-Kamoun, "than to get hypnotized over this single
perspective and to consider all work useless so long as unity is not
accomplished." This is right, but it is not sufficient It is
necessary to understand clearly that this perspective of organic
unity detached from the revolutionary tasks can serve for nothing
else than to hypnotize the workers by reconciling them with the
passivity of the two parties.
order to parry the sterilizing hypnotism of the slogan of organic
unity, the theses propose a "minimum of elementary Marxist
principles as the charter of this unity." The formula is almost
classic as the beginning of a downsliding on the opportunist incline.
One begins by dosing up the Marxist principles for the delicate
stomachs of the Social Democrats and the Stalinists. If it is a
question only of enlarging the audience and of opening up to oneself
an access to the Communist workers, why put conditions in the guise
of "elementary principles" (very elementary, alas!)? And if
it is a question of something else, that is to say, of the party and
the proletariat, how could a minimum of principles and, what is more,
of "elementary principles" suffice?
after this, the theses demand that it be explained to the workers
"that there cannot be a genuine revolutionary unity except that
which makes out of the Marxist party a coherent and disciplined
organism." So? So? So?
do not know if the very next stage of development will be an attempt
at fusion or, on the contrary, a series of new splits in the two
parties. We do not engage ourselves on the road of abstract formulas.
February 6, La
has spent its time repeating the formula of the united front (which
was moreover much richer in content at that epoch than the formula of
organic unity is today).
We criticized Naville for not concretizing the revolutionary content
of the united front, thus permitting the two bureaucracies to seize
upon this slogan without great risk. The same mistake must not be
repeated under aggravated circumstances.
for the youth? The same thing. There are not two policies: one for
the youth, the other for the adults. Insofar as the youth carry on
politics — and that is their duty — their policy must be adult.
There are too many factors that are driving the revolutionary and
inexperienced youth towards the Stalinists. The formula of unity
facilitates this tendency and augments the dangers. Our weapon, which
coincides with the superior interests of the proletarian vanguard, is
the content
the unity. While basing ourselves on the currents toward unity, we
develop the discussion; we deepen it; we group the best elements of
the two camps around the "maximum" of our
not-at-all-"elementary" principles; we reinforce our
tendency. And then, come what may, the revolutionary vanguard will
profit by the fusion as by the split
us look at the theses: "The united youth (Jeunesse Unique)
cannot have the Leninist principles as its basis." Who says
that? The reformists? The Stalinists? No, it is the Leninists of the
generous type themselves. Every worker who reflects and who takes
things in their totality will reply: "If your principles are not
good for making the revolutionary unity, they are good for nothing."
"We will retreat," continue our generous Leninists, "on
certain points if the agreement is impossible otherwise."
Precisely why do the Leninists need to retreat on certain of their
principles, of which they already possess only a minimum? It's
absolutely incomprehensible.
will be told: "But we are only a small minority!" Good.
Then the two majorities — or better yet, the two bureaucracies
supporting themselves on the two majorities — will make (or will
not make) their fusion without our retreat. They have no need of it
since they are the majority. The authors of the theses stand up not
as propagandists of Leninism but as benefactors of the human race.
They want to reconcile the reformists with the Stalinists, even at
their own expense. Still worse, they say so in advance, before being
compelled to do so by the situation. They capitulate in anticipation.
They retreat out of platonic generosity. All this contradictory
reasoning, in which the authors feel themselves simultaneously the
representatives of a small minority and the inspectors general of
history, is the unhappy result of the trap that they set for
themselves with the slogan of organic unity detached from all content
or charged with a "minimum" content.
authors of the theses obligate themselves, even in case the
Socialists should not want to accept the soviet form of power, to
intervene among the Stalinists (in the given case, the Leninists are
the most logical intermediaries!) in order to persuade them to
withdraw the slogan that the Leninists themselves find correct. Isn't
that absurd, dear comrades? If you defend before the Socialists the
slogan of soviets (with our
you can win over a part of the Socialists and the sympathy of a part
of the Stalinists. At the same time, you remain faithful to
yourselves, meanwhile assuring your future. But that does not suffice
for you, because you are the courtiers of unity. If this unity is
realized thanks to your mediating intervention, the Stalinists will
treat you like traitors — and this time not without reason —
whereas the revolutionary socialists will pass over to the left by
the Stalinist path. Nobody will take kindly to you. That's the fate
of all political courtiers.
want to draw the attention of the comrades to paragraph 2, which
speaks of the necessity of reconstructing the revolutionary party
"over the innumerable obstacles produced by the ruins of the
Third International and the attraction still
by the Soviet Union." This formula must be characterized as
criminal. The attraction "still exercised" by the Soviet
Union is treated as an obstacle to the creation of the revolutionary
party. Wherein consists this attraction for the broad masses, who
receive neither a subsidy from the bureaucracy nor free tickets for
trips to anniversary celebrations, nor any of the other gratuities
well known by several "friends of the USSR"? The masses say
to themselves: It is the only state that has come out of the workers'
revolution. This sentiment is profoundly revolutionary. It is now
reinforced all over again thanks to the fascist danger. To appraise
this attachment to the proletarian revolution and its acquisitions as
an obstacle is criminal towards the Soviet Union, as well as to the
workers of the West.
may be objected: "It's only a question of an unhappy expression;
the authors mean to speak of the injurious result of the Soviet
bureaucracy's imprint upon a part of the world proletariat." If
it were only a question of a poorly chosen formula, it would not be
worth discussing. Unfortunately this is not the case. In the ranks of
the youth, and especially the non-proletarian, a display of cheap
radicalism is often made by sowing doubts about the proletarian
character of the Soviet state, by identifying the Comintern with the
Soviet bureaucracy and, above all, the latter with the entire
workers' state. This mistake is ten times more grievous than, for
example, to identify Jouhaux with the trade-union organizations, or
Blum with the entire SFIO. Whoever does not have a clear and
clean-cut point of view on this fundamental question does not have
the right to speak before the workers because he can only sow
confusion and skepticism, repulsing the young workers towards
come these artificial and even ambiguous constructions? They proceed
from the bad social composition of the Socialist youth. Too many
students. Too few workers. The students are occupied too much with
themselves, too little with the workers' movement. A
worker-environment disciplines a young intellectual. The worker wants
to learn the fundamental and solid things. He asks for clear-cut
replies. He does not like these factitious witticisms.
for the Seine district lies in mobilizing the students for the hard
labor of recruiting workers. Whoever does not want to occupy himself
with that has nothing to look for in the socialist organization. The
proletarian organization needs intellectuals, but only as aids for
the rise of the working masses. On the other hand, the sincerely
revolutionary and socialist intellectuals must learn a good deal from
the workers. The internal regime of the youth must be adapted to this
task; a division of labor must be organized; their exact tasks must
be given to the students or groups of students in the workers'
quarters, etc. Ideological oscillations will become all the less
frequent, the solider the proletarian base of the organization will